
Amanda, watch out!
What? Why? Is there a cockroach(蟑螂)?
No, a black cat almost crossed your path just now!
What? That's it? I thought it was going to be something catastrophic(可怕的)!
Well, it had the potential(可能的) to be. Haven't you heard that if a black cat crosses your path, it brings you bad luck?
Mike, you don't honestly believe that nonsense(無稽之談), do you? That's a bunch of baloney(胡說八道)!
As a matter of fact(事實上), I do believe in all those superstitions(迷信)!For instance, last year my laptop got stolen. Guess what the date was on the day it got stolen?
Friday the 13th?
Yes!Excatly!Talk about(真的很) bad luck, right?
Well, i think all those superstitions are silly(蠢).I don't put any stock in(相信) them at all. Last week, right before my big math test, i accidentally broke my mirror. But then i actually got a higher score than i'd been expecting(預期)!
Well, fine, i guess i'm just superstitions, But i don't care i'm still taking preventative measures. You go ahead and walk right(往前走) undermeath(在…底下) that ladder over there if you're so sure of yourself. i'm taking the long way!

This diet pill(減肥藥) commercial(廣告) claims that you can lose 10 pounds in just one week.
What a bunch of baloney.(胡說八道)

I left my sweater in your car yesterday. Did you by any chance find it(你有沒有看到)?
As a matter of fact, I have it right here in my bag.


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