
I remember i was a little boy when i saw an Indian man for the first time.
All i wanted to do was stare at(盯著) him because he just looked so different to me.
While i was gawking at(痴呆著看) the poor gentleman, my mother smacked(打一下) me on the head and said,"Don't you know it's impolite to stare"
Some years later when i ended up in Taiwan i noticed(注到意) what a spectacle(多麼引人注目) i was here and how people whould openly stare and even take pictures sometimes, which made me feel really uncomforable for the longest time.
I've even shouted(大叫) at a few people, mostly when i was just having "one of those days(諸事不順的日子)" and all i wanted blend in with the crowd and go unnoticed.
Of course, being a foreigner, going unnoticed here is pretty impossible, especially since many Taiwanese people consider us to be so exotic(奇特的).
The funny thing is that Asians, not whites, are the ones considered to be exotic looking in  most parts of the Western world.
Every time someone stared at me, i kept on hearing my mother's voice in my head saying that it was impolite to stare.
One day i told my brother how much it bugged(困擾) me.
He looked at me and smiled, then probably told me the best thing that anyone could have ever said:"At least they're admiring the way you look and not stealing your stuff(東西) like back home."


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