Britain's Prince Harry called Princess Diana "the best mother in the world" at a memorial service on August 31, the 10th anniversary of her death, that reduced hundreds of public mourners outside the venue to tears(使某人流淚).
Harry, who was 12 when his mother died, also spoke of the sense of loss(失落感) he and his brother Prince  William still feel, a decade after their mother was killed in a high-speed car crash in a Parisian tunnel.
William and Harry spent months organizine the event(項目).
It was the main event to commemorate Diana on the anniversary, although a crowd of her supporters, many of them suspicious(懷疑) of the cause of her death, also gathered(聚集) outside the Kensington Palace, her former home, to pay their own tribute(向她致敬).
Diana's death generated an unprecedented(空前的) outpouring(籠照) of public grief(哀傷) in Britain.
One million people took to(走上) the streets of London for the funeral(葬禮), and some say the episode(事件) changed the country.
The tragedy(悲劇) also forced the royal(王室) family to present itself as a more open and inclusive(包容) institution(習俗).


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