
Everyone knows how much parents in Taiwan worry about their children's well-being(幸福).
I have seen the amount of medicine kids are given every day or how they're pampered(溺愛) when they fall over and don't even hurt themselves.
However, there is something that, try as i might(任我怎樣想), i can't understand, it has to do with helmets.
Everyone knows that the fraffic is really bad in Tainwan.
Scotters zip in and out of traffic.(在車陣中恣意穿梭)
People drive their cars onto the road in reverse without looking first.
Buses and trucks are driving at speeds  that just shouldn't be legal, the bicycles, the forklifts(堆高機), dogs, cats ... the list goes on and on(在路中央大搖大擺著).
So if there are all these dangers, and parents are so concerned about their children, then why do i see all these kids riding on scooters without helmets on?
What made me really start thinking about this is the other day(某天) when i saw a mother riding with her five kids crammed(塞滿) onto a 50cc scooter.
The only one who had a helmet on was the mother!
It was lke an accident waiting to happen.
Where i come form(在我的故鄉), i'm just used to being an enforced law for both adults and children to be required to wear helmets.
In the end, we as adults just need to be a little more responsible when it comes to things that could genuinely(真誠地) harm our children.


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