1. 曾經
used to V原
He used to be a good student. 他以前是位好學生 (指過去是好的)
When I was a studnet, I used to study hard. 還是學生時我努力用功。 (以前是學生)
2. 現在習慣
be used to Ving
I am used to sleeping in class. (習慣在上課睡覺)
I am used to playing baseball after school. (習慣放學後打球)
ps. be 有時會換成 get 或 become, Ving的用法不變
3. 習慣......(狀態)
be used to N
I am not used to the weather here. 不習慣這裡的天氣
I am not used to the customs here. 不習慣這裡的風俗
4. used 的被動式
The money is used to buy a car 錢是用來買


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